Ball Valves
Straight Through

  • 301K:Straight Through Ball Valves 6300R/301K 301K:Straight
    Through Ball Valves
  • 301K:Straight Through Ball Valves 3400R/301K 301K:Straight
    Through Ball Valves

This series provides ball valves with a special inner valve which can be full opened or closed by simply causing the stem to make a 1/4 turn.

The offtake from a ball valve, when totally opened,has the same bore as the pipeline and it's fluid resistance is negligible. For this reason, this atuomatic valve is best suited to on-off service, controlling various types of liquid, gas and slurry.


Body type 301K 332K
Full bore size 1/2"(15A) to 16"(400A) 1/2"(15A) to 8"(200A)
Reduced bore size 4" × 3" to 18" × 16" -
Jacketted valve size 11/2" × 1/2" × 1/2" to 10" × 8" × 6" -
Body rating ANSI Class 150 to 300, JIS 10K to 40K
Fluid temperature -45 to +250° -20 to +230°
Connections Flanged (RF)
Body materials SCPH2/WCB, SCS13A/CF8, SCS14A/CF8M. etc. SCPH2/WCB, SCS14A/CF8M
Ball materials SUS316/Buffing, SCS13A/Buffing, SCS14A/Buffing SUS316/Buffing, SCS14A/Buffing
Seal ring materials Pure Teflon, Reinforced Teflon
Seat Leakage Tight shut off
Actuator combination 6300RB, 6500RA, 7300RA: Pneumatic Cylinder Actuator
3200RA, 3300RA, 3400RB: Electric Motor Actuator